Answer: I think that life wouldn't be very perfect if everyone were totally equal, I strongly disagree. First, it's because I read the story Harrison Bergerson by Kurt Vonnegut, the story shows that people are equal in 2081, and some the some of the characters that appear in the story appear to be very stupid. Also, the story also shows us that the way that government think about being equal might not be the same as us, like Diana Moon Glampers makes people uglier and stupider. Besides, maybe equality might not be what Vietnam needs, because the country is somewhat equal already, and it may need improvement! Not equality!
2) You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?
Answer: The first law will be about sharing, trading and being the same, sharing is a good thing, maybe my neighbors don't like what they have and they can share it with my family! Same with trading, it's a good deal, if my society is equal, it might not need to selling and buying things that much, but it still has to have selling and buying though, for profits. The second law will be about education rules, and schooling, I think about the schooling subject in the story a lot; if the people in 2081 are all equal, does that mean they go to the same school? Despite the ages? So I think about having different schools that only teach children, until they have the same knowledge like adults, despite the ages (but I think this won't work very well, since it's not really equal, at all).
3) What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up”?
Answer: If they are less capable mentally, maybe I will send out some psychologist to talk to them and tell them to express their feelings and then make them watch some movie that helps them to heal, then I might find some information about their mental problem. If they are handicapped, I will send them to the hospital and fix them up, maybe I should try starting a charity in my world to help less capable physically people. Socially might be a little bit like the mental problem people; I will need some psychologist to talk to them and tell them to express their feelings and be by their side until they feel confident enough to talk to other people.
4) What problems can you foresee that might come in a society with laws that force “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?
Answer: Some people might not be as smart as other equal people, maybe their brain will develop more and think more, or they will think that somethings in the equality world is ridiculous, like kids being as smart as adults. If I could, I would brainwashed those people, maybe restart their mind and erase some smartness in their brain and not erasing their memories about their families and original knowledge.
5) Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature make sure that some people would eventually dominate others?
Answer: Equality is not an impossible thing, but it is not possible either. Sometimes, equality can be reached easily in school, for students, some might be as smart as others but some might not. Equality could be reached, but in a certain group of people. Human nature usually take in information about what was happening in the World, sometimes it takes in longer than other people, but it's better late than never. So I think that human nature would eventually know that there will be a new ruler in the World.
6) In what situations have you felt similarly to any of the characters? What persons, places, or ideas from your own experience came to mind while you were reading this story? Try to list as least two examples.
Answer: I don't have much similarity to any characters, but I do feel a little bit of connection towards Harrison. In my eyes, he is a trap genius; a person that is not allow to do things for himself, and it fits my personality quite well in some way. When he had an outburst in the story, it was like he was trying to express himself, because he couldn't before, he was in jail and was locked there and considered as a dangerous person. I was also like that when I was in 4th grade, I was not a very talkative girl, and was locked out from my classmates, until one day I felt like going up to the front of the class and telling my classmates a story, and I did. After that, my classmates talked to me more, I was more friendly and talkative, it was also a part of being the me today, I didn't get killed, considered me, safe. Another example was when I was in America last summer, since it was my first time being there, and I was afraid of being isolated for raising hand so much and be smart, just like how Harrison is, being smarter than others.